Mountain Cottage
Enjoy the winter ambiance by the fireplace or feel the summer charm of swimming in…
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61 to 80 out of 266 properties
Objekti na Tari gde nisu dozvoljeni kućni ljubimci. Kaluđerske Bare – Mitrovac – Zaovine – Osluša – Sokolina – Račanska Šljivovica – Predov Krst – Mokra Gora – Perućac – Bajina Bašta.
Enjoy the winter ambiance by the fireplace or feel the summer charm of swimming in…
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Experience the true mountain idyll in this beautiful STANIŠIĆ house on Tara. Located not far…
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In a newly built apartment building, there is Apartment Maksim. View location on Google Map.…
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Mountain House “Stašević” is located in the weekend settlement “Krnja Jela” on Rašina Meadow, just…
OD 60€ DAN
Enjoy nature with your family! We invite you to discover our mountain house on the…
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60€ DAN
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OD 80€ DAN
Tarska kućica is located in Mitrovac, in the heart of Tara National Park. Nearby, you…
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House on lake Bear Harbor is located on the magical Lake Perućac, known for its…
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Welcome to the Wooden House “Bombona” – Your ideal destination for a vacation on Mount…
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Welcome to Vila Dimitrijević, located in the Sekulić settlement in Zaovine on Tara Mountain. The…
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Welcome to Sretenov Konak – your ideal retreat for a peaceful vacation in the pristine…
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Srpski jezik.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Srpski jezik.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Srpski jezik.
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Mountain House Lastino Gnezdo is the ideal place for rest and enjoyment in nature. It…
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Imagine the perfect escape into nature, surrounded by greenery and fresh mountain air. JOSA HOUSE…
OD 50€ DAN
Welcome to the Wooden House Cottage – Your Sanctuary by the Drina River Location Wooden…
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